Case Teams

DU CRTI Case Teams

The DU Coffee Research Center Research Case Teams/programs/ are:

Coffee Improvement & Tissue Culture

Focus on with coffee genotype characterization, selection, hybridization, conservation, adaptation, and screening for biotic and abiotic stress.

Coffee Soil & Plant Nutrition

Mainly focus on an analysis of coffee soil characteristics, mineralization, conservation, and restoration, fertility mapping, and molding in relation to coffee yield and cup qualities.

Coffee Agronomy & Physiology

To Interconnect knowledge of different disciplines in improving coffee management that enhances the physiological performance of the crop.

Coffee Plant Protection

To assess the prevalence and incidence of major coffee diseases, and identify appropriate management options for coffee growers.

Coffee Socio-economics & extension

To research areas of coffee technology adoption (input, processing, post-harvest, marketing) to accelerate technology dissemination among coffee-growing communities.

Coffee Agroforestry & Geospatial Analysis

Deals with agroforestry and sustainable coffee production, agro climatology and remote sensing coffee crop modeling and coffee ecological shift dynamics, and climate change.

Coffee Post harvest management & Quality

Working on the development of an effective and efficient processing mechanism that maintains the inherent cup quality Provide special training for coffee quality tester.