Alemu Dessa Derebe (Assistance Professor)

Biography: PHD, MSC and BSC Degree In Agriculture Specifically Horticulture Department

Case team: Coffee Agronomy and Physiology

Area of Interest: Plant physiology focused on stress adaptation mechanism: UV radiation, moisture stress, light quality, nutrient uptake and use efficiency, climate change adaptation and resiliency on coffee production

Ongoing research

No Title Members Scale
1 Climate Change adaptation strategy for sustainable coffee production at different agro-ecologies of Gedeo-Guji potential coffee growing areasLarge

Published Research

No Title Publication Cite
1 Impact of waterlogging stress on grafted avocado (Persea americana) seedlings growth and physiological performance, Cogent Food & Agriculture Read
2 Effects of solar UV-B radiation exclusion on physiology, growth and yields of taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.)) at different altitudes in tropical environments of Southern Ethiopia Read
3 Bulb Yield Stability in Shallot: The Case of Eighteen Shallot Genotypes Evaluated under Southeastern Ethiopia Highlands Read